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Understanding Pathways
Our new Teacher Development Course, 'Understanding Pathways' is designed to support subject teachers in understanding the role they play in careers education and how they can help young people to achieve their best next step. Here are some of the benefits teachers can gain from this course:
- Identify key employability skills and when and where they can be developed in your subject.
- Understand the range of academic and vocational pathways available for young people within your subject area.
- Develop the confidence required to initiate careers conversations.
- Access a range of resources to support young people.
- Find out where further information and guidance is available.
Careers in the Curriculum Awareness
This course is the second part in the series for teachers who want to integrate career education into their subjects. It will help you learn how to connect your curriculum with the world of work and the future opportunities for your students.
- Identify opportunities to contextualise elements of the already existing curriculum.
- Explore opportunities for interactions with employers and workplace environments.
- Understand what is meant by key growth sectors.
- Develop opportunities for learning in and outside of the classroom looking at the world of work.
Click here to register today!