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Benchmark 4 Careers in the Curriculum Guide
Careers In Curriculum- resources by subject to help teachers deliver careers in curriculum within their lessons.
The Interview Practice Channel
Free uploaded video interview questions for careers teachers, to be used in a classroom environment or student self-study. Questions range from school leaver to general, sales, HR, teaching, retail, top tips and things to say.
Diversity in advertising – We need you.
The advertising industry is calling out for more diversity, as currently only 13% are people of colour. Award winning agency, Leo Burnett, worked with Black students from Lambeth to create this film, to inspire fellow students to consider a career in advertising.
FES Connect Activity
‘FES Connect’ is a national community for Post 16 careers leaders and practitioners, supporting development and sharing of best practice to ensure every learner is supported to find their next best step.
An opportunity to share examples of what's working well across the country in careers education via online seminars, newsletters showcasing best practice and an FES Connect chat board.
Click here to register.
Becoming Self-Employed – Tips for Young People
Developed by YEUK. Tips and advice for young people who are interested in becoming self-employed.
Example Strategic Careers Plan: The Link School (AP)
Example strategic careers plan from The Link School, Sunderland (AP).
The strategy outlines the school’s vision for careers and the main aims of careers provision at the school.
Detail includes: vision, SWOT analysis strategic objectives and key actions. The School’s Provider Access policy is also included.
Employer Prospectus
This Employer Prospectus was developed by Featherstone High School to give employers and education/training providers an overview of opportunities for engagement in the upcoming academic year.
The Employer Prospectus is uploaded to the school's dedicated careers webpage, and printed copies are also distributed after events at the school.
Inspire Programme
Developed by The Leeds Trinity University.
The Inspire Programme provides activities and resources to support teachers and advisers in working towards the Gatsby benchmarks.
Careers CEIAG for SEND
We specialise in empowering young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to realise their career aspirations. Our mission is to ensure every young person has the support and guidance they need to pursue their dreams, no matter the challenges they face.
Future Skills Questionnaire
The Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ) is a tool to measure learners’ career-readiness.
FSQ covers key aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are important for successful transitions.
Digdata - Classroom Resources & Virtual Work Experience
Bring virtual work experience into your maths classroom!
We have collaborated with employers including Capital One, CACI, Experian, and Facebook to bring you this brilliant collection of FREE KS3/4 resources.
Check out our live and upcoming events!
FES Connect - Films
To celebrate careers excellence in colleges, we have made a series of films celebrating innovation and variety around the country.